Festive Round Robin Returns!!
I don’t know about all of you, but I tend to collect knitting gadgets/magazines/yarn that I end up never using, or only using once. I thought a fun way to swap these unloved items around would be to do a Round Robin style swap.
...April C.
The Round Robin sign up begins November 5th and runs through December 5th. The box exchange begins December 8th until it completes the round.
Here's How it Works...
I will fill a box with items and send it to the first person on the list. That person will take out the items she/he wants, replacing them with other items. Now deliver the festive box to the next person on the list. It will keep going in this manner until everyone on the list has had a chance to go through the box. Due to the high cost of shipping, you will drive the box to its next destination. I will be put the names in driving order to try to make this as convenient as possible. If you would like to participate but are unable to drive, please contact me and we can make arrangements to get the box to the next person on the list. We would like to ensure that anyone who wants to participate is able. Let's have fun together!!